chemsketch........ 7 okt 2009

In our next kos1110 class,we learn to use new application. We use chemsketch software too sketch organic compound structure.

First, before doing the assignment mdm linda asked us to do exercise in sketching the structure of the organic compound. It quite difficult at first,but eventually i understand how to do it. After about practicing about an hour, we were given task to be completed.
 we need to sketch and draw chemical structures,diagram, apparatus etc., usingthe chemsketch software.
We were given tasks to complete sketching and drawing 5 things: energy of reaction diagram, p-orbital, d-orbital,pi-orbital,vacuum distillation apparatus, two-chain DNA strand,lipids and micelles.
We learnt to draw all of them by referring to the manual.However, it is quite difficult to draw the objects since we were new to this software. Somehow, we have learnt many things, such as how to make an energy diagram and two-chain DNA strand by using polyline. We also learnt how to draw different types of orbitals by using polygon(p-orbital and d-orbital) and ellipse(pi-orbital). We drew apparatus using lab kits templates and arranged them properly according to its actual arrangement in experiment. Then, we learnt how to draw lipids and micelles using ellipse and polyline, convert it to curve then smoothen it.
This the structure that we had been asked to do..
