Sick Enough To Die

One of my fav. But jgn salah anggap plak.. I'm not Korean die hard fan...hehe
Juz like this vdeo klip...unik n mnarik.. wee





Its hard to express these words to the person who we have feelings to....hehe.. of coz la berlainan jantina kn...hehe

sebenarnya tak boleh nk tido...da tak larat paksa diri tdo...tetbe lak rse lapa tgh2 mlm. then berperasaan nk nulis blog nih pulak... sgt tade kaitan kn...

well, im expressing my feelings rite now.... i love u..!!! hehe...

hey u!!!
u know what...


the one that i really2 love... more than anything

the greatest love ever!! hehe..


For comes 1st... No matter what happens, family will be the priority... My family is a small family consist of 4 parents, me n my little bro.. (sumtimes people get the wrong idea n said he is the big bro n i'm the 'adek'..hehe)... love them so much!!!!! hehe

friends!!! i got so many....lots of friends... hehe.. uncountable meh... love to get know new people...
bestfriend??? nope... bestfriends??? yesss....
im so lucky for having them in my life...

this is me with my bestfriends...
left : me, middle : payya, right : ziya

besties...angah, me, kinah n along

shazie, nadiah n me

me, mar n ziya

tetel n me

sila, mieyra, me n ziya

my beloved classmates

friends are truly important to me...without them, my world are less interesting and exciting...



FinaL eXam!!!!

Sekarang dah hujung sem..n of course lah musim final exam..
Sebenar nye da lebih seminggu exam da start. 4 paper da lpas.. tggl lagi 2 paper pulak.

31/3 - Biotechnology, Law & Ethics
2/4 - Protein in Biotechnology                                  
4/4 - Halal & Haram in Food Processing
8/4 - Philosophy of Science
13/4 - Enzymology
15/4 - Basic Genetic Engineering

uh2..... then....after exam rkud...opss silap.. philosophy of science...i had a fever plak... n today da kebah sikit demam tuh..hopefully get better soon... tension bila dmm musim mggu exam ni.

well...sbenarnya baru ingat nk pegi jogging petang ni. Almaklum la kn.. nnt pas exam  nk pegi pjt gunung. Nnt tade stamina..pastu pancit pulak mse memanjat gunung tuh..hehe la map route utk pnjt gnung tuh nnt... seminggu la jd org hutan... bkn org hutan binatang tuh eh..hehe
ape2 pon... cnior yg da pnah g pesan..bkn fizikal n stamina je kne kuat..mental pon sama.
huu...seriau gak...sbb mmg la stamina tak mantop.. huu

oke..hal2 gunung tuh kite tggl kn dulu..ade lagi 2 paper exam mnanti.. n bdoa semoga cepat baik dr demam ni.... AMIN~
