
Heh... parenting..
bila sebut je parenting..of coz la sume pk about marriage... being parents..having children..kn3???
by the way.. for ur info la kn.. uia ade paarenting class.. mmg specially 4 uia students,,,bnyk org mgeluh sbb only 0.5 credit hrs.. class 2jam ..pastu ade esaimen la..presentation laa.. on the good side... my beloved lectrer...loves to tell us stories and experience of hers' n other people bout life, loves.marriage, a parent and many more... Based on those... it makes me think and realize life of an adult is much much more difficult than teenagers(as they said in the age of being a teenager..byk dugaan n cabaran). an adult.. we need to think about, house, car and the most crucial ---> having our own family...
my lectrer for this sbject, mdm yati..asked us when izit we start to think or practices teaching to our child...the answer is.... when we first married... its the time we have to think how to take care n teach our child.. haih..english tunggang langgang..haha...!!


bila difikirkan balik... takot gak.. its a big thing rite?? life absolutely changed.. yela.. tak prepare lagi jadi dewasa..umo skrg yg bole dikatakan dewasa pon perangai kalah budak2..haha
by the way..lmbt g 'kawen2' nie.. study pon tak abes g...keje pon tade g.. calon pon tade..
tp betul la kata madam...even lmbt lg pon... kne start pk n prepare sbrg kemungkinan cabaran yg bakal dihadapi after kawen nnt.. haha
trasa dewasa plak ckp sal kawin ni... cukup2 la yer... hehe

pae2 pon..sama2 lah kita bdoa agar dikurniakan Allah pasangan yg kita nak n bdoa juga agr jodoh berpanjangan...............aaminn~~
